Review: Volare

8 September 2023

A very long day to end a very long week, even if it was shortened by Labor Day. But not for me, as I was catching up from the very short red-eye flight back from California Tuesday morning. But a long day to end a long week deserves a good dinner, so I walked from my office to one of the best places nearby, Volare.

I tend to not eat Italian when I am outside of Italy as my adoration of Italian dining is such, but Volare is one of the few places I will frequent. I got there at 5pm and it was already a raucous evening, as it appears a lot of other people had long weeks. I sat at the middle of the bar and relaxed once my martini showed up.

Delicious, and needed. I looked over the menu that I’ve seen many times before and ordered. I celebrated the end of a long but good week, and looked forward to my food. My starter soon arrived, the grigliata mista.

Hmmmm, not as good as I’m used to. It’s usually grilled properly and tasting fresh, but today it has the “Friday rush” feel about it. Wasn’t bad, but nowhere as good as it should be. Hope this was an anomaly.

I switched to a wine and had a good chat with some fellow diners before my next dish came.

Primo today is linguine with clams and bottarga. Now this was done way better, the pasta cooked perfectly and an amount of bottarga that made it very much worthwhile. A solid dish, and I was nice and full.

Kept chatting at the bar and had some more wine before having a quick dessert.

Oh my this chocolate is so rich it nearly killed me. Absolutely delicious, not too sweet but just deep as heck. Fabulous end to the evening. A grappa with it, and I’m happy.

A long week ended very nicely indeed. I thanked my usual bartender and hopped on a Lyft. Not as good as usual, but Volare is still a safe place to dine in River North. I’ll try not to come on a too-busy evening next time, but they are always busy, so…

201 East Grand Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

1 thought on “Review: Volare

  1. Pingback: Review #2: Volare | melhuang1972

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